Double girder crane common malfunction and maintenance

By weikexiwen  ·  
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Cranes play an important role in our engineering operations, but if you want the crane to fully play its role, in addition to the need for an experienced operator to use, but also need to be regularly maintained in order to ensure normal work efficiency. So what problems should we pay attention to in the daily care and maintenance?

1. In the handover of work, to determine whether the crane has been working continuously for a period of time, if so, then there should be half an hour of inspection time in the middle before continuing to use. If it is not used continuously, the crane should be checked before use.

2. Regular inspection has weekly, monthly and half-yearly inspection, so what are the specific inspection contents? First check the corrosion of the contactor and controller contacts, followed by checking the wear of the brake brake belt, next check the tightness of the screws and the wear of the steel wire rope on the machine in various places of the connection, what needs to be checked is the linkage of the key parts of the steel structure to see if there is any deformation or cracks in the phenomenon.

3. Regularly add lubricant to the machine. Tower crane working mechanism lubrication is one of the main contents of the daily maintenance work, lubrication situation is good or bad, not only directly affects the normal operation of the mechanism and the life of the machine parts, but also affects the safety of production and production efficiency.

Common malfunction of bridge cranes and their solutions:

1. The bridge crane big car gearbox gear easily bad reason:

a. The bridge crane running frequency is high, the bridge crane hand operation is not standardized, often using forward and reverse braking brake.

b. Reducer gear, shaft material is poor, heat treatment does not meet the requirements.

c. Reducer maintenance, maintenance is not enough, no timely cleaning impurities, replacement of lubricating oil.

d. Reducer installation accuracy does not meet the requirements.

2. what aspects of the bridge crane should be checked for tripping of the main circuit breaker:

a. Check the lower end of the circuit breaker for serious leakage and short circuit.

b. Check whether the rated current or rectified current of the circuit breaker is too small, replace the suitable circuit breaker or re-rectify the current value when it is too small.

c. Check whether the circuit breaker mechanism is damaged, and replace it in time when it is damaged.

d. Check whether the motor is damaged.

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